

      「素敵なブログ」    &n・・・


      「勝ちに行きます」    ・・・

Own way/私のやり方

      「Own way」     &・・・


      「Mission」     &・・・

can't see the forest for the trees/木を見て森を見ず

      「can't see the forest for the trees」&nbs・・・

Just the two of us/私たちふたりだけで

      「Just the two of us」   &n・・・

Viser le monde/世界を目指す

      「Viser le monde」    ・・・

I see through your heart./あなたの心はお見通しよ

      「I see through your heart.」  &・・・

Oh my, you two seem quite close!!/随分と仲のよろしい

      「Oh my, you two seem quite close!!」 ・・・

She is a genius / 彼女は天才デス

      「She is a genius」    ・・・

Afterglow of Reading / 読書の余韻

      「Afterglow of Reading」   ・・・

lovely bloggers / 素敵なブロガーさんたち

      「lovely bloggers」    ・・・

I pray for you every day. / あなたのために毎日祈ります

      「I pray for you every day.」  &・・・

Gift of song / 歌のプレゼント

      「Gift of song」    &n・・・

What kind of person is John? / johnってどんな人?

      文章書くのが好きデス テーマはイロイロ・・・